
Review of FEMA Risk MAP Guidance and Standards Documents

With the advent of the RiskMAP program, FEMA has approached ASFPM for assistance in reviewing a series of Guidance and Standards documents that are currently in draft form. The Engineering & Mapping Standards Committee has been tasked with coordinating and communicating comments back to FEMA on behalf of ASFPM. As ASFPM members who have indicated their interest in this committee, other committee Co-chairs, and ASFPM Board members we are asking for your assistance in completing this review.

Attached to this email is a listing and description of elements to the Guidelines and Standards documents that are now under development or revision. If you are willing to help out, please go to the following Survey Monkey list at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RiskMAP_Doc_Review_Survey, and indicate the documents for which you would like to be part of the review team. The lead on the review team for each element will contact you when documents are available for review and will compile comments for consideration by FEMA staff. Please note that there are different deadlines for the various elements, and the typical turn around time for comments is 5 – 10 days.

Note that the draft for the first document, Appendix I, is already available at https://www.fema.gov/library/viewRecord.do?id=4340, and that comments are due very soon. If you would like to be a part of that review team, please respond to the website by Friday the 19th. Other reviews will start right after the Thanksgiving holiday, and will be staggered throughout the next few months.

This is a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of the RiskMAP program and support the improvement to floodplain mapping and the increase in flood risk reduction for the country. Thank you for your interest.

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